Hi, I’m a computer scientist from Germany. I have been interested in
Software Engineering and Web Development for over a decade now. Thats
why I chose to major in Computer Science and received a B.Sc. and M.Sc.
from the University of Würzburg in the years 2013 and 2016. Currently I
am a Software Engineer and Executive Director of Olyro. We develop Knowledge-based systems
and Mobile Solutions for law firms, medical companies, universities and
other companies. Use the various listed social media outlets if you want
to get in touch with me.
My main areas of interest are programming languages and paradigms,
Computer Graphics (especially offline rendering) and Software
Engineering (with a focus on Performance Engineering). See my paper on a
to LQN transformation published in the Electronic Notes in
Theoretical Computer Science for more details on my work. I’m interested
in the full technology stack starting with hardware description
languages and assembler on the low end and web development and model
transformations on the upper end.
See my github profile (and
that of olyro) for more